How do I sign up?
It is quick and easy to sign up. Click here and fill in the sign up form. Then you will have access to your own personal dashboard, all the content and the Toolbox will be on it’s way to you!
Can I purchase before birth?
Yes you can. You can watch the introductory videos, learn about how to create your own postpartum plan and know the recipes and right food to buy before the birth. However, it doesn’t matter whether you start pre or post-birth as it is never too late to think about your own postpartum experience.
Can I purchase at 4 weeks or 5 weeks postpartum?
Absolutely! Our content is there for your emotional and physical wellbeing long-term. All the content is relevant to you during those first 12 weeks postpartum and beyond. Whenever you sign up you will find content that is valuable to you.
Do I have to complete the content in a certain way?
Once you sign up you have access to all the content within the programme. The programme is available from before birth, and you have membership for the entire year postpartum which will give you access to content that suits each stage of your postpartum journey.
There are 5 pillars to the programme; mindset, reflection, recovery, movement and nutrition. These pillars encompass your emotional and physical wellbeing and provide the support you need in the postpartum period. For each pillar you will have content from our support team, to watch or listen to, at your own pace. The content has been created to work around you and your baby; you can do the breathing exercises whilst holding or feeding your baby; you can listen to the nutrition podcast whilst on a walk or during that 2am feeding frenzy!
Are there people on hand to support me if I have questions?
You will have access to a live session once a week with one of your support team or special guests; to answer questions, do a short relaxation session together or provide further nutrition, self-care or postpartum advice and you can always email us at hello@postpartumplan.co.uk
Surely I can just find all this information on Google?
We all did the ‘Google at 3am’. Whilst we are lucky to have so much information at our fingertips it can actually become a poisoned chalice; we are overwhelmed by the information out there and cannot work out who to trust and the time spent online can cause anxiety.
The content we provide isn’t available on Google or YouTube because it is done by experts exclusively for Postpartum Plan. We are bringing experts who you usually pay to see in clinics or studios to your home.
Is there a live element to the programme?
Yes, you will get a weekly live Q&A or class with one of the practitioners or guest experts. Lives have included:
- Movement with Gemma
- Diastasis recti masterclass
- Physio with Megan
- Physio Q&A with Clare Bourne
- Mama burn out with Gaby Kimchi
- Positive psychology with Francesca
- GP Q&A with GP Beth
- Nutrition masterclass with our nutritionist Jess
- Breath-work with Emma
- Reflexology class with Meg
And much more!
Is this just for mothers?
Postpartum Plan has been created for parents. All the content in the Reflection, Nutrition, Mindset and Movement pillars are accessible to all parents to use.
The Recovery pillar is more focussed on the birthing parent as it includes birth related recovery exercises. However, these videos can be watched by partners so they know and understand the recovery process.
How much does it cost?
We are providing all of this for just £30 a month, including access to the Postpartum Village.
This includes:
Women’s Health Physio with exercises to help you heal, stabilise and rehabilitate. Options for abdominal and vaginal birth recovery.
Postpartum Doula with a Postpartum workbook exclusively created for Postpartum Plan
Yoga and breath-work classes to heal you from the inside out
Pilates classes to connect back to your body postpartum (all movements safe pre 6 week check)
Nutritionist approved recipes and information on the best food to eat postpartum. Options for vegetarian and vegan included.
Emotional Freedom Technique scripts and videos for you to access at times of need
Reflexology techniques to support your body’s own self-healing process
Podcast with a GP to teach you about the 6 week check and empower you to make that appointment work for you
Access to weekly live sessions, a private Facebook Group and weekly newsletters
We wanted to make Postpartum Plan accessible to as many people as possible. The fact is that access to these experts and the content they provide is worth over £2,000. We provide payment options for you; you can pay in full, in instalments or as a gift voucher for someone you care for.
How long do I have access for?
You can choose from 3 months to 1 year access to suit what you need from Postpartum Plan.